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AskTask Documentation
asktask [<-opt>]
where opt = c - use my default colors (the intended ones for
this program). The previous colors are restored
when asktask is terminated.
p{n} - start with priority n. Asktask sets its own
priority to a default of 15. This option will
replace 15 with n. Note that the CLI launching
asktask will get this priority too, and retains
it even after asktask has terminated. I tend to
use 'run asktask -p0'.
NOTE: [] = optional, <> = 1 or more, {} = mandatory.
this program accesses important system data structures. It
should never be used along with programs containing important, unsaved
data, execpt in emergencies.
Asktask is intended to allow the user to examine various bits of
the task structures of all the tasks in the system (except itself).
These are accessed from the 'ready' and 'waiting' lists attached to
ExecBase. The information displayed is:
(task->tc_SPReg, tc_SPLower, tc_SPUpper)
Rg = register pointer.
Up = upper address + 2.
Lw = lower address.
Sz = Size.
Rm = Remaining space.
(Note: if Rg doesn't lie between Up and Lw, then the task
is no doubt a CLI process, where the Rg address is the
command's stack pointer, not the CLI's.)
(tc_SigAlloc, tc_SigWait, tc_SigRecvd, tc_Except)
A = allocated signals.
W = waiting signals.
R = recieved signals.
E = exception signals accepted.
Some facilities for altering this data are also provided, but for the
purpose of experimenting only!.
-) You can select a task by clicking on its name.
-) Asktask's internal task pointer array is not updated unless
you use the refresh operation.
-) Be aware that the CLI asktask is launched from gets asktask's
priority of 15. So any other programs launched from that CLI
will inherit this unusually large priority, perhaps interfering
with asktask itself.
-) A task may be paused by allocating a signal, and setting the
corresponding wait signal bit, clearing the others. Starting it
again is a problem though!
-) RemTask() may be used to remove the current task. This unloads
the task. This should not be used to kill tasks that are CLI
commands, since the CLI is removed as well. (A CLI command
doesn't seem to be a seperate task from its CLI; ie: the CLI
does not fork off a new task to run commands, unless you use
'run' (or use WShell or some other shells background task option)
to start the command).
-) Exit() may be used to remove the current task. A context switch
results in the task's pc address being stored on its stack.
Asktask redirects this address to a piece of data within asktask
that results in the task calling the DOS function Exit(). This
should only be used to terminate CLI tasks that are currently
running a command.
-) The ABORT (CTRL-C) signal can be sent to the current task by
setting the appropriate tc_SigRecvd bit (bit # 12 counting from
zero). This is the preferred method for zapping CLI tasks, but
only works if the task recognizes the signal. This is
accomplished for Lattice C users during chkabort(), or level 2(?)
IO routines. I recommend using the chkabort() and onbreak()
try not to kill a task that owns some essential system
resource, particularly the blitter. The removal may well happen
before the task frees the resource, in which case deadlock city.
Try reducing its priority instead.
try not to kill a task that waits for many messages from
somebody else. For example, killing the clock program causes a
'Finish all disk activity - Task held' type requester to appear.
While other programs will be unaffected, the CLI used to run
the held task will be frozen.
-) Note that asktask deals with tasks. Not processes. For those
who don't know, a process is a task that has been launched by
AmigaDOS (the CLI or Workbench), and hence has a process data
structure associated with it as well as a task structure. Asktask
does not care about this process structure, since tasks are the
lowest level of multitasking, and while all processes have tasks,
not all tasks have processes. A similar program could be written
to get at processes through the DOSBase pointer.
-) If you set a task's priority (using asktask) to something
greater than asktask's, asktask will boost its own priority to
the task's new priority plus 5. Hence the maximum priority you
can set is 122 (127 - 5). This can be useful if some task has a
priority that interferes with the system tasks. For instance,
if you start test from the same CLI as asktask, and it thus
inherits a priority of 15, because test does no waiting it will
lock out the trackdisk.device and FileSystem tasks. In addition,
it will not appear on asktask's task list. Why not I don't know,
but it needs to have its priority reduced. To do this, you need
to increase asktask's priority to something greater than 15. So
selecting say the input.device, and changing its priority to 21
will boost asktask's priority to 26, thus allowing you to control
test with asktask. Because asktask spends most of its time
waiting for your input, it is safe to set asktask's priority as
high as you like.
-) Questions can be sent to me at:
214 Rata St,
Complaints can jump in the nearest lake.
o/ o__
| / __o _
\ \
1) run asktask.
2) make
the current task by clicking on it.
3) select the SIGNAL operation, then press r for the Recvd signal
bits. Set the 3 bits to the right of the leftmost two, and press
4) a newcli should appear (you have simulated the PopCLI hotkey).
5) start the 'test' program from the newcli. This program is an
infinite loop:
while (1) j++;
6) refresh the task list a few times to get the newcli task on the
list, then select it as the current task.
7) select the Exit() operation, and press y.
8) the newcli prompt should reappear, test having been forced to
NOTE: for some reason, endcli doesn't close down the new CLI
console. Presumably because test has some files still open, such
as its stdout, which is of course, the console!
-) this program can be distributed freely, or for a maximum cost of
copying + postage.
-) this program cannot be ported to other, ridiculous, single-task
machines, so there's no problem with that.
-) feel free to alter or copy the code as you wish.
The following files make up the source code -
asktask.h at_input.c
asktask.c at_kill.c
at_gadg.c at_putdata.c
at_help.c trans.c
blink with asktask.lnk
The following files are also included:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Discovered the task structure is actually contained
WITHIN (at the start of) a process structure if that task is also
a process. That is how Exit() knows which process... A pointer to
a task structure is also a pointer to its process structure:
see libraries/dosextens